
A Quality Improvement Program to Analyze the Causes of Notification Error and Increase Nurses Accuracy Rate of Pressure Injury Notification in Medical Group Wards

公告類型: 工程科學類3-1
點閱次數: 792




Preventing pressure injury has been a nursing concern for many years. This study included a survey of pressure injury prevalence, an assessment of the knowledge and notification process of nurses about pressure injury in medical group wards of a southern Taiwan regional teaching hospital. We also analyzed the causes of notification error of pressure injury. After an interactive learning session, case analysis, practice monitor and feedback, we evaluated the effect of this quality improvement program to increase nurses’ accuracy of pressure injury notification rate of our 208 nursing staffs included in this study, accompanying patient outcome, nursing manpower and economic benefit evaluation. After our intervention, we found nurses’ accuracy of notification rate improved from 65.3% to 88.4%, and even with 93.3% in the maintenance period about 6 months after our program. Besides, points of cognition test improved from 73.4 points to 84.2 points, every notification time decreased from 12.5 minutes to 5.3 minutes averagely. We saved nursing manpower about 56.5 hours and cost about NT$ 9,438.8 for the process of notification. Meanwhile, nursing staff had evident improvement of sacral pressure injury wound care, including decrease of wound dressing error, wound change dressing technique error, stool and urine wound pollution. In addition, we found that the average healing rate of pressure injury wound increased from 11.9% to 25.0%. It is believed that it could also be continuously reiterated for other medical issues that have associated evidence based practices for prevention.

Keywords: Nursing Staff, Pressure Injury Notification Error, Accuracy Rate of Pressure Injury Notification, Quality Improvement Program

發布日期: 2018/05/29
發布人員: 薛淑真