
可攜式牛肉熟成評估裝置之研製Development of a Portable Device for Maturation Evaluation of Beef

公告類型: 工程科學類3-1
點閱次數: 671




Due to limitations in Taiwan's beef raising conditions, the domestic beef production is only about 6,000 to 7,000 tons, leading to reliance on import for beef supply. Since importing beef involves long transportation, the monitoring of refrigeration temperatures and beef aging during transportation is very important in Taiwan. In addition to ensuring beef quality, proper wet aging could also improve beef tenderness and flavor. Many research reports in recent years indicate it is possible to monitor beef aging based on changes in the tissue fiber structure and bioimpedance caused by beef aging. Therefore, a portable device for beef aging assessment was developed in this study, built using bioimpedance and elasticity measurement technologies. With a mechanism for tissue elasticity measurement, pressure imposed while pressing the tissue and associated deformation were recorded for further estimation of Young’s modulus. At the same time, variance in the impedance model was also assessed via a bioimpedance measurement module. During the measurement and observation for 7 consecutive days, it was found that both the bioimpedance and tissue elasticity measured by the device dropped significantly as the aging time increased. In a further impedance modeling analysis, impedance from extracellular fluids had a decisive effect on the level of impedance. The analysis model could also effectively discriminate extra added water. The experimental results prove that the measurement device developed in this study has the potential to assess beef aging. The device can be expected to be turned into a low cost device for beef aging detection in the future that can make consumers more reassured while purchasing beef.

Keywords: Portable Device, Bioimpedance Measurement, Elasticity Measurement

發布日期: 2018/05/29
發布人員: 薛淑真