
銀髮族合唱團經營管理的困境與契機Straits and Juncture Opportunities in the Operation of Seniors’ Community Choruses

公告類型: 社會科學類1-1
點閱次數: 719





With the transformation of population structure due to the trend of ageing and low birth rate, the demand of both software and hardware for attending seniors is urgent. In the meanwhile, the changes of society and environment further lead to changes of family structure, which results in the growing percentage of seniors’ self-administration. Therefore, participation into moderate leisure entertainments indeed enriches seniors’ soul and comforts their hearts. The chorus is one of the leisure entertainments.  Based on data collected from Kaosing Community Chorus, this study investigates the difficult and arduous progress of an avocational community chorus in pursuing social moralization. In addition to the process of a community chorus’s operation, this study investigates the external competitions, resources t deficiency, the investment in an avocational community chorus, and the chorus members’ perception of value. Based on the discussion of theories of performing art, the specialty of Kaosing Community Chorus with both professional and avocational traits, and the structure of Taiwan Performing industry, this study wants expects to develop a sustainable operational model of a seniors’ community chorus.  

Keywords: Seniors, Chorus, Operations and Management, Balanced Scored Card

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真