
以視覺隱喻抽取法ZMET 分析烘焙產品造型之意象研究A Study of Consumers' Image on the Appearance of Bakery Products with Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique

公告類型: 社會科學類1-1
點閱次數: 451



關鍵詞: 視覺隱喻抽取法(ZMET)、烘焙產品造形、意象


Gourmets of different countries are strongly influenced by their own culture. Consumers cannot easily express their traditional and deeply rooted culture through communication. Instead of a massive survey with questionnaires, in-depth interviews were utilized to investigate consumers’ inner perception with representatives of highly personal involvement with bakery food. Therefore, we deduced consumers’ cognition and expectation on bakery food with Zmet techniques to produce a consumers’ consensus map. According to the consensus map, the three final constructs “vision”, “mind” and “the nature” were inferred from the conclusions based on 12 interviewers’ mind maps. These three most important constructs to consumers were generalized and connected closely to the mediated constructs, namely, “elaboration,” “healthy,” and “color.” The research results were gathered from a scientific and qualitative method to understand consumers’ inner perception on bakery products as a reference for students and the industry in innovating bakery product and design development.

Keywords: 摘要


關鍵詞: 視覺隱喻抽取法(ZMET)、烘焙產品造形、意象


Gourmets of different countries are strongly influenced by their own culture. Consumers cannot easily express their traditional and deeply rooted culture through communication. Instead of a massive survey with questionnaires, in-depth interviews were utilized to investigate consumers’ inner perception with representatives of highly personal involvement with bakery food. Therefore, we deduced consumers’ cognition and expectation on bakery food with Zmet techniques to produce a consumers’ consensus map. According to the consensus map, the three final constructs “vision”, “mind” and “the nature” were inferred from the conclusions based on 12 interviewers’ mind maps. These three most important constructs to consumers were generalized and connected closely to the mediated constructs, namely, “elaboration,” “healthy,” and “color.” The research results were gathered from a scientific and qualitative method to understand consumers’ inner perception on bakery products as a reference for students and the industry in innovating bakery product and design development.


發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真