
使用模糊認知圖與ELECTRE技術 評選零售店物流供應商Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map and ELECTRE Technology for Evaluating and Selecting Retail Logistics Supplier

公告類型: 社會科學類1-1
點閱次數: 694





        Retail stores have three problems: (1) retail product demand is not stable; (2) product demand differs a lot at different times; (3) it is difficult to manage a retail store because there is wide range of issues and retail goods in the retail store. Retail stores also have two weaknesses: (1) retail stores need to pay shelves cost for retail goods; (2) retail stores need to pay processing fees when retail goods are expired. In order to meet the customer demand at low inventory levels under a certain level of service requirement, retailers need to find appropriate logistics providers. The purpose of this study is to establish a suitable retail logistics supplier selection model (including the expert opinions expression method, retail logistics supplier evaluation criteria architecture, fuzzy cognitive map for measuring the weight of evaluation criteria and ELECTRE alternative ranking method). To verify the usefulness of the model, this study will use one of large retail chain stores in Taiwan as a case study to analyze and evaluate its logistics supplier selection behavior. The research will be followed by the conclusion, and the future research will be discussed.

Keywords: Logistics Management, Supplier Management, Fuzzy Cognitive Map, ELECTRE, Decision Analysis

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真