
行動購物App介面設計的複雜性與順序性因子對衝動性購買行為影響之研究A Study on the Effect of Mobile Shopping Apps’ Visual Design on Consumers’ Impulse Buying Behavior

公告類型: 社會科學類1-1
點閱次數: 836




How to design an effective interface to increase impulse buying is one popular issue in online shopping, but few discussions on mobile shopping apps have been found in literature. This article utilized Mehrabian-Russell model to illustrate the effect of mobile shopping apps’ visual design on consumers’ impulse buying behavior. The research results showed (1) the complexity and order of app design do not significantly affect pleasure or arousal emotional responses; (2) there is no significant relation between the complexity/order of app design and the size of device screen; (3) there is significant positive relation between pleasure emotional responses and impulse buying intention, but it is not found between arousal emotional responses and impulse buying intention. These results can be a useful reference for designers who intend to develop mobile shopping apps.

KeywordsMobile Commerce, Interface Complexity, Interface Order, Impulse Buying, M-R Model

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真