
台灣家樂福的顧客滿意度影響因素:聚焦於顧客體驗Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Carrefour at Taiwan: Focusing on Customer Experiences

公告類型: 社會科學類1-1
點閱次數: 975





The purpose of this study is to analyze factors affecting customer satisfaction in Carrefour with a focus on customer experiences while shopping at the stores. Three factors—convenience, environment and self-congruity, which are believed to form customer experiences—were examined.  Among these factors, self-congruity has rarely been tested in supermarket stores; yet it is considered an important factor affecting customer experiences as well as customer satisfaction. To identify the relationship between these three factors and customer satisfaction, a survey was conducted with a sample of 260 respondents; most of them are 21- 40 years old. The questionnaire was developed from previous research and was pilot tested with 100 respondents. The questionnaire was then revised and distributed both online and in person in three big cities in Taiwan, including Taipei, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. The data was analyzed by AMOS software using Structured Equation Method (SEM). We found that environment and self-congruity have statistically significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Convenience also had positive relationship with customer satisfaction; however this relationship was not statistically significant. Our findings showed that elements that form customer experiences have significant influences on level of customer satisfaction in Carrefour. The focus of this study on young customers also has meaning as they are a promising group of customers in Carrefour. The findings of this study also strengthen the previous studies of customer satisfaction and also have managerial implications for Carrefour.

Keywords: Hypermarket, Carrefour, Retail Industry in Taiwan, Customer Satisfaction, Environment, Self–congruity.

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真