
台灣各縣市政府綠色績效之評估與分析The Evaluation and Analysis of Local Governments’ Green Performances in Taiwan

公告類型: 社會科學類1-2
點閱次數: 604


本研究利用共同邊界資料包絡分析法 (meta-frontier data envelopment analysis),衡量臺灣各縣市政府在施政上綠色績效的表現,研究期間以資料較齊全的2006年至2013年,為了進行各年間的比較,故採用視窗分析 (window analysis)的方式。綠色績效的評估指標是分別參考「WHO健康城市指標」、「環境績效指數」、「臺灣永續發展指標」等系統,及參考文獻等整理而成,因此分為「健康」、「環境」及「社會」等三個構面進行衡量。研究結果如下:在健康構面上,以嘉義市、臺北市、臺中市在研究期間一直表現最佳;環境構面以新竹縣、嘉義縣、彰化縣一直表現最佳;社會構面則以基隆市、桃園市、台北市表現最佳。至於,直轄市與非直轄市的綠色績效比較,僅健康構面直轄市的綠色績效,一直顯著優於非直轄市;另外,在技術缺口比率 (technology gap ratio)方面,直轄市在健康構面也一直顯著高於非直轄市,但非直轄市則在環境構面一直顯著較直轄市為高。



This study uses the Meta-Frontier Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate performance of green policies of local government for years 2006~2013. This study also uses the window-analysis DEA to compare each year with the overall 7 year study period. Indicators for assessment are screened by the following systems, WHO Healthy City Index, Environmental Performance Index, and Taiwan Sustainable Development Index. The literature information processing is divided into three green dimensions, health, environment, and society, before assessment. The results of this study clearly show that in the arena of health Chiayi City, Taipei City, and Taitung City are always the top three in green performance; in the environment the top three are always Hsinchu County, Chiayi County, and Changhua County; in the social arena the top three are always Keelung City, Taoyuan City, and Taipei City. As for the comparison between the green performance of municipalities and non-municipalities in the period: the average of municipalities’ green performance always shows significantly better levels of health than non-municipalities. Also related to health, the average of municipalities’ Technology Gap Ratio (TGR) is also always significantly better than non-municipalities. However, in the environmental dimension, the average of non-municipalities’ TGR always shows significantly higher results than municipalities.

KeywordsMeta-Frontier Data Envelopment Analysis, Green Performance, Health, Environment, Society

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真