
海外打工度假經歷對就業力的影響Employability of Those on Overseas Working Holiday

公告類型: 社會科學類1-2
點閱次數: 652


海外打工度假為近年來盛行於年輕族群的一種新興旅遊模式,參與者得以所賺取的薪資做為在當地的旅費。打工度假者必須放棄國內的工作,而此海外經驗是否可以提升其就業力?為瞭解此一問題,本研究旨在探討海外打工度假者參與的動機、當地打工度假的經驗、以及此經歷對其回國後就業力的影響。研究對象為曾參加海外打工度假者,採二階段進行,第一階段為質性研究,深度訪談幾位參與打工度假者之相關經驗 (含出國動機、打工度假參與情況及就業力評估等);第二階段則藉由文獻及訪談的資料設計問卷,並利用網路問卷平台發放問卷,以全面了解年輕人參與打工度假之動機、參與當地打工度假之歷程與該經歷對回國後之就業力的影響,再將所有問卷回收的資料以統計軟體進行分析。本研究之結果將有助於個人及其他有志於海外打工度假之年輕人的參考依據。



Overseas working holidays has become a popular tourism activity among young people. Participants earn money to cover their traveling expenses. In general, those on overseas working holiday have to give up their domestic job opportunities. Will this experience increase their employability when they come back? In order to answer the question, this research explores the motivations, working holiday experiences, and the employment of those on overseas working holiday. In order to understand the relationship among these issues, these research uses two procedures. First, a qualitative study is conducted by interviewing several people who have gone on overseas working holiday regarding their related experiences. The results are then utilized to design a questionnaire for an online-survey, which, when completed, is statistically analyzed. The results provides useful information for those who want to participate in overseas working holidays.

Keywords: Oversea Working Holidays, Employability

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真