
反彈復甦力、工作適應與心理福樂安適關係之研究 —以某醫學中心為例A Study of the Relationship among Resilience, Work Adjustment and Psychological Well-being: Taking a Taiwanese Medical Center as an Example

公告類型: 社會科學類1-2
點閱次數: 655





Hospital staffs require higher working stress and challenge because they are in face of the upsurge of public knowledge, which in turn demands more in service quality. The main purpose of this study was to investigate current status and the relationship among resilience, work adjustment and psychological well-being. Taking the employees of a medical center in southern Taiwan as test objects with the stratified convenience proportional sampling method, we adopted a structural equation model to validate the empirical data with a total of 481 valid respondents. The results showed that: above 85% of the respondents are comfortable about their resilience, work role, work performance, personal growth and social consolidation, but about 60% feel high work pressure and 70% haven’t set up their life goals. Resilience and work adjustment have a significant positive correlation, resilience and psychological well-being have a significant positive correlation, and work adjustment plays as a mediator between resilience and psychological well-being.  According to multivariate analysis of variance, gender, position, administrator-ship, experience and age have a significant overall effect on resilience, work adjustment and psychological well-being.

Keywords: Resilience, Work-adjustment, Psychological Well-being

發布日期: 2018/05/16
發布人員: 薛淑真