
自起動鼠籠式內嵌W型永磁馬達磁鐵長度分析W-Shaped Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Simulation Analysis

公告類型: 工程科學類1-4
點閱次數: 716

摘 要

        自起動鼠籠式內嵌永磁馬達 (LSPMSM)為具有自起動能力,兼有感應電動機和永磁同步電動機的特點,LSPMSM體積小結構簡單,功率密度高,隨著永久磁鐵性能不斷提高,與世界各國追求高效率電機的趨勢下,馬達製造成本也隨著提高,因此本文主要進行LSPMSM磁鐵長度的分析。首先本文針對LSPMSM的電路進行分析,非同步和同步期間dq 軸相量圖,推導出電磁轉矩的變化。其次依照設計流程,並進行磁鐵參數化的設計,再利用ANSYS Maxwell進行磁場的模擬分析,針對不同永久磁鐵長度,探討效率功率因數、磁通密度、氣隙功率等電機性能,最後模擬結果驗證轉子具有W型之永久磁鐵,效率可高達95%以上、功率因數0.8以上得到兼具最佳的同步能力和高效率之電機分析

關鍵詞:自起動、內嵌永磁馬達、ANSYS  Maxwell


The Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (LSPMSM) has self-starting capability, and also combines the characteristics of induction motors with permanent magnet synchronous motors, including small size, simple structure, and high energy density. With significant improvement of the performance of the permanent magnet, and the world in pursuit of more high-efficiency motors, motor manufacturing costs will increase. We therefore focused on optimizing the design and analysis of LSPMSM. Firstly, we analyzed the circuit for LSPMSM, and discuss the changes in electromagnetic torque and the asynchronous and synchronous phase diagram. Secondly, in accordance with the design process, we optimized the magnet design. Finally, we simulated the magnetic field using ANSYS Maxwell. For different lengths of permanent magnets, we discuss efficiency, power factor, magnetic flux density, gap power and other electrical performance characteristics. Finally, simulation results showed that using a W-type permanent magnet rotor yields an efficiency of up to 95%, and a power factor reaching a level of 0.8, indicating that the LSPMSM has ideal performance in terms of capacity and efficiency.

Keywords: Line StartPermanent Magnet Synchronous MotorsANSYS Maxwell
論文下載連結:  https://journal.stust.edu.tw/Sysid/journal/papers_es2-2/01_P.1%E8%87%AA%E8%B5%B7%E5%8B%95%E9%BC%A0%E7%B1%A0%E5%BC%8F%E5%85%A7%E5%B5%8CW%E5%9E%8B%E6%B0%B8%E7%A3%81%E9%A6%AC%E9%81%94%E7%A3%81%E9%90%B5%E9%95%B7%E5%BA%A6%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90W-Shaped%20Line%20Start%20Permanent%20Magnet.pdf 

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真