
應用於銀髮族電腦輔助教學之腕部穿戴式 裝置與其系統Wrist-Wearable Devices and a System for Supporting Elderly Computer Learners

公告類型: 工程科學類1-3
點閱次數: 610




Today we live in an aging society, and there is an increase in the number of elderly people who want to start using the computer and the Internet, which has become one of the most popular uses of free time today. However, they are hindered by limited education, limited knowledge of digital information, words they do not know, and not knowing how to use the computer keyboard and mouse. The setbacks and frustration they face learning to use the computer contributes to computer anxiety. This paper proposes a computer-learning-assisted system equipped with wrist-wearable devices to help elderly computer learners as they perform computer learning tasks. This system, named the WristEye System, can discern and analyze learners’ postures, reactions, and behaviors as they participate in computer literacy classes. In the WristEye System, a kinematic sensor attached to a student’s wrist can detect differences in wrist orientation and vertical acceleration and determine which learning computer operations are in process, i.e., directing the mouse, hitting the keyboard, idle, and random undirected movement of the mouse. Moreover, a remote backend server receives the detected signal from the wearable unit via a wireless sensor network (WSN) and then analyzes the corresponding computer learning effectiveness to produce results in graphic and score form to an instructor who can use this information to better tailor his lessons and activities to the needs of the learners.

Keywords: Computer-assisted learning, Kinematic Sensors, Learning Technologies, Wearable Technologies

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真