
AA7XXX系鋁合金經陽極處理後之表面缺陷觀察與分析The Observations and Analyses of the Surface Defects in Several Anodized 7XXX Aluminum Alloys

公告類型: 工程科學類1-3
點閱次數: 680





 The purpose of the study is to observe and analyze the surface defects of several anodized 7XXX Aluminum Alloys by using a variety of equipment, including optical microscopy, micro Vickers hardness testing equipment, confocal laser microscopy, white light interferometer and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mechanical property and microstructural changes of the heat-treated and then anodized 7XXX Aluminum Alloys are also investigated in the present study. The experimental results revealed that surface hardness of the 7XXX aluminum alloys were significantly better than the 6063 aluminum alloy; however the surface glossiness property seemed relatively poor because of the severe striped defects. The anodized 7003 aluminum alloy will possess the best combination of surface hardness and glossiness property among several 7XXX series aluminum alloys in the present study. The surface glossiness of the 7003 aluminum alloy was similar to that of the 6063 aluminum alloy: however the surface hardness of the 7003 aluminum alloy was obviously higher than the 6063 aluminum alloy. The thickness of the anode layer of the AA7003 aluminum alloy was measured to be about 10μm. It was found that during the process of anodic treatment, the surface of the aluminum matrix will also be affected by corrosion reaction in addition to the formation of an oxide anode layer. The obvious undulation will result in the severe striped defects on the surface of AA7003 aluminum alloy. Based on our experimental observations, the severe stripe-like defects may be caused by the different corrosion rates of grains with different orientation relationship of the aluminum matrix. It was noted that the stripe-like defects formed on the surface of the substrate will affect the quality and appearance of the anodic layer of the AA7003 aluminum alloy.

Keywords: 7XXX Aluminum Alloy, Anodic Treatment, Surface Defect, Surface Glossiness Property

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真