
汽車鋁合金輪圈輕量化之研究 An Investigation into the Lightweight of Aluminum Alloy Wheel

公告類型: 工程科學類1-2
點閱次數: 621


3D圖形重建與誤差比對,再透過輪輻之設計變更,以靜態進一步分析整體輪輻之結構強度變化,研究發現輪輻數量的變化(5支減至4),在相同負荷下,其等效應力會由8.90 MPa增加至11.59 MPa(材料之降伏應力為275 MPa),對整體重量約可減少4.4%,但當輪輻數量降至3支時,其最大等效應力點即會產生移動,而面臨輪圈承載力不足的問題,為求最佳化及具應有之輪圈強度,本文之研究分析,可提供汽車輪圈在輕量化的發展上更多有利的研發參考依據,進而發展更輕、安全與堅固之汽車輪圈。



From the rim’s structural relationship to stability and fuel consumption of a car, under proper structural strength, lightweight is the current trend of development. This study focuses on commercially available car wheels. By reverse engineering reconstruction 3D graphics, the design changes of the hub, and further analysis of structural changes in the overall strength of the hub, the study found out, under the same load, if the quantity the hub is changed from five to four, the von-Mises stress will increase from 8.90 MPa to 11.59 MPa (Yield stress of substrates is 275MPa), but the overall weight can be reduced by 4.4%. But when the number of wheel hub is down to three, the maximum stress point will move, and a car will face the problem of insufficient bearing capacity of the rim. In order to optimize strength and lightweight wheel, the analysis of this paper can provide more favorable references for the development of a lighter, safer and sturdier wheel of a car.

KeywordsReverse Engineering, Rim, Hub, Von-Mises Stress

發布日期: 2018/04/18
發布人員: 薛淑真