
跨樓層文件傳遞機器人之設計與實現Design and Implementation of Documents Delivery Robot with Cross-Floor Mobility

公告類型: 工程科學類1-2
點閱次數: 616


A* 混合多重骨架路徑規劃演算法」,並搭配影像處理及機械手臂的正逆向運動學,可使機械手臂觸碰電梯按鈕以達到跨樓層的動作。此外,將控制端實現於 Android 智慧平台裝置上,搭配 TCP/IP 通訊,以及語音辨識工具,讓使用者可以簡單地利用語音去告知機器人前往的目的地。最後,經由實驗結果證實了本論文所提出方法的可行性。
關鍵詞: 蒙地卡羅定位、A* 演算法、多重骨架演算法、搭乘電梯


In this paper, a design and implementation of a robot with the ability of taking an elevator and delivering documents are proposed. A wheeled robot is ordered to navigate in a known environment by itself. The Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) incorporating an error correction vector, and hybrid path planning algorithm using A* and multi-skeleton algorithms are proposed for the navigation. The image-processing technology, kinematics and inverse-kinematics are utilized to control the robotic arm to push the button of the elevator automatically. Moreover, we build an APP on the Android cell phone and send messages through TCP/IP protocol to allow users to control a robot by their voice. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method is confirmed by some experimental results.

Keywords: Monte Carlo Localization (MCL), A* Algorithm, Multi-skeleton Algorithm, Taking an Elevator.

發布日期: 2018/04/18
發布人員: 薛淑真