
可攜式居家生物晶片阻抗量測裝置Development of a Portable Device of Biochips Impedance Measurement for Homecare

公告類型: 工程科學類1-1
點閱次數: 737




In recent years, Biochip developments have provided many ways to measure biological information. It is also an important orientation to achieve the home care system in the future. Though Biochips could reduce reaction environments, it required reliable measurements and transmission equipments to achieve a home care system. In this study, a biochip of impedance measuring device is developed on the basis of impedance measurements. It works with the identification of national health insurance card (NHIC) of patients and it can be connected with Cloud System for recording, tracking and warning of measurement results. The range of impedance measurement device is from 200kΩ to 1.4MΩ. Moreover, it has Rectified Feedback (RBF) to calculate the best benefit of measurements and to control error rates within 3%. To avoid environmental effects raised in different locations, e.g. humidity or temperature, we designed a self-calibration function started by a standard resistor to adjust and test the internal parameters. The design could be combined with NHIC recognition and upload the patient’s data to the Cloud System automatically without any manual input. Therefore, with this device, Medical Personnel could remind the patients of their clinic schedule through a long-term tracking.

Keywords: Impedance Measurement Modules, Rectified Feedback, Self-Calibration, Cloud 

發布日期: 2018/05/01
發布人員: 薛淑真