
橫膈缺損併慢性胸腔內胃扭轉的腹腔鏡手術治療 Laparoscopic Treatment of Diaphragmatic Defect and Chronic Intra-thoracic Gastric Volvulus

公告類型: 工程科學類1-1
點閱次數: 648





Gastric volvulus is an uncommon disease condition that affects mostly the elderly. It occurs mainly as a result of congenital laxity of ligament attachments of the stomach. It is also accompanied by a diaphragmatic hernia. This sometimes causes the stomach herniation into the thorax, giving rise to respiratory compromise, herniated part ischemic or gangrenous change. This disease could present as acute or chronic condition. We have managed 16 patients with diaphragmatic hernia and chronic intra-thoracic gastric volvulus under laparoscopy over the past thirteen years; all patients are of secondary type. Twelve (12) patients belong to organoaxial type and four (4) were mesenteroaxial type. Elective surgery was performed for all these patients. All patients recovered well from surgery without evident complications. Most of their hospital stays were five days. After operation, patent gastrointestinal tract was noted in all patients. Besides, all patients showed improvement of pulmonary condition after surgical correction of anatomic anomaly. Even though worldwide experience in laparoscopic surgery for diaphragmatic hernia and chronic intra-thoracic gastric volvulus is limited, our results are encouraging. Based on our experience, laparoscopic technique seems to be safe and feasible in treatment of this disease.

Keywords: Diaphragmatic Hernia, Chronic Intra-Thoracic Gastric Volvulus, Laparoscopic Surgery

發布日期: 2016/11/10
發布人員: 薛淑真