
情詩與音符之間:蘇凡凌對徐志摩與林徽因 詩意的音樂詮釋

公告類型: 工程科學類9-2
點閱次數: 41




This study focuses Professor Fan-Ling Su, a prominent Taiwanese female composer who holds a significant position in the contemporary music landscape. Professor Su, renowned for her profound musical knowledge and extensive creative talents, has effectively showcased the allure of Taiwanese culture on the global stage, thereby facilitating cross-cultural exchanges. Her compositions are not only deeply rooted in indigenous Taiwanese culture but also incorporate diverse cultural elements, reflecting her profound understanding of musical artistry and innovative explorations and embodying her sense of responsibility towards cultural heritage. Starting from Professor Su's biographical background and educational path, this study explores the process she integrated personal experiences and observations into her musical compositions, thus illuminating her distinct creative thought processes and musical aesthetics. Through an in-depth analysis of her seminal works, namely "Midnight Pipa in the Alley" and "Music in the Deep Night," this study further elucidates Professor Su's compositional techniques and stylistic nuances in contemporary music. Moreover, this study delves into Professor Su's nuanced interpretations of the poetry of Zhimo Xu and Huiyin Lin through musical compositions, thereby elevating the amalgamation of literature and music to new artistic echelons. Professor Su's musical oeuvre not only garners acclaim in Taiwan but also receives widespread recognition internationally, thanks to its inherent cross-cultural appeal. Through meticulous analysis, this study underscores Professor Su's pivotal role in advancing Taiwanese music and fostering international cultural exchanges, highlighting her unique stature and influence as a female composer in contemporary Taiwanese music.

Keywords: Taiwanese Female Composer, Fan-Ling Su, Poetry and Music, Musical Setting of Zhimo Xu and Huiyin Lin’s Poems.

發布日期: 2024/11/29
發布人員: 薛淑真