

點閱次數: 35


樂與人們的身心情緒連結密不可分,隨著全球運動健身產業的蓬勃發展,喜愛音樂且注重運動時聆聽音樂增加運動效果的族群,以及在注重音樂聲光效果的需求下,設計以多元音樂風格並結合現場情境氛圍,透過健身活動讓人們沉浸在預先設計過的音樂情境當中,充分享受聽覺與視覺融合的情境氛圍。透過本研究的文獻探討、萃取對運動健身具關鍵影響力的音樂特徵、情境燈光特徵以及樂曲分析等流程,逐步建構一套以「運動健身音樂情境氛圍」為主題的系統性研究方法。本研究成果設計以瑜-內觀流(inside flow yoga)健身運動,來展示以「流行歌曲+瑜伽+燈光」結合的音樂情境結合與系統研發,並透過展示影片方式呈現本研究的成果。


Music is closely tied to people’s emotions. As the sports and fitness industry thrives around the world and the demand for music, sound, and light effects among those who like music and listening to music while they exercise is growing, the contextual atmospheres of sports and fitness venues are being paired with different styles of music, allowing people to immerse themselves in predesigned music contexts and fully enjoy workout contextual atmospheres that combine sounds and visuals. Through a literature review, we identified musical features and contextual lighting features with key influence on exercise and workouts, along with music analysis. As a result, we developed an original and systematic methodology focused on exercise and workout music contexts. An Inside Flow Yoga workout was used to demonstrate a music context that combines popular music, yoga, lighting, and systemic research and development. The findings of this study are presented in a video.
Keywords: Exercise and workout, Music contextual atmosphere design research, Popular music, Inside flow yoga

發布日期: 2024/11/29
發布人員: 薛淑真