

公告類型: 工程科學類9-2
點閱次數: 35



Design students’ market insights and project planning abilities are generally valued by employers in the industry. In terms of teaching planning, how to equip design students with the above abilities is the key. This study aims to evaluate the course of planning teaching practice in the Department of Visual Communication Design of STUST, which provides students with practice fields and local regeneration issues through innovative teaching methods based on problem-based learning. This study explores the differences in learning motivation, obstacles and outcomes among students who introduce different strategies in places. It further shows that students prefer to retain the freedom to choose fields and topics as well as try new places to solve problems. As teachers explain local dilemmas, issues and establish local communication channels in advance, they can reduce the pressure on students in planning. If students can implement their plans together with like-minded students and thereby create substantial benefits to all the students, it will better enhance students' motivation to implement plans. Among those innovative teaching measures, physical and digital tools, incentives used to strengthen the interaction with students, step by step planning and reference examples are helpful for learning. Students in the evening program have better experience with interactive measures and reference examples. Although students generally find it difficult to learn, they are all satisfied with the innovative teaching measures. It can be seen that students are highly receptive to the innovative problem-oriented teaching model, and it can effectively improve learning motivation and learning effectiveness.
eywords: Teaching practice, Problem-based learning, Learning motivation, Learning obstacles, Learning effectiveness

發布日期: 2024/11/29
發布人員: 薛淑真