
創新擴散理論應用於價值主張營運模式之研究— 以生醫新創團隊為例The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory to the Operating Model Planning of a Biomedical Venture Team

公告類型: 社會科學類3-2
點閱次數: 489


近年來台灣出生率低、婦女平均生產年齡逐年上升,加上生活壓力日益增加,在每年平均20萬名新生兒中,早產兒比例約10%,其中平均約有2500名死亡,早產新生兒夭折的比例超過10%以上,已高於全球的9%。預防早產已是不容忽視的課題。其實有早產跡象的孕婦通常會出現不穩定的生理症狀,如:分泌物異常、子宮收縮或胎兒心率異常等,但多數孕婦容易忽略這些徵兆,特別是忙碌的職業婦女。有鑑於此,本研究結合「都卜勒超音波」與「新型子宮收縮感測結構」,建立了一套具有子宮收縮感測、胎心率監控的「穿戴式孕婦即時監控裝置」,提供孕婦居家日常使用。為使作品順利走向商品化與市場化,本研究以創新擴散理論中所提出之知曉、勸服、決策、證實四個環節創新擴散過程概念,運用於奧斯瓦爾德博士在《獲利世代》(Osterwalder, 2012) 及《價值主張年代》(Osterwalder, 2015)二書中所提出的創新商業模式,進行新創生醫團隊營運模式的之規劃,期望使創業作品達到最佳市場效益。



In Taiwan, the birth rate has become lower and women's average age of pregnancy higher than before. Because of stress, the proportion of preterm births accounts for about 10% of 200,000 annual births, leading to about 2,500 deaths, slightly higher than 9% global average. Therefore, the prevention of premature birth has becoming an important subject. Pregnant women likely to deliver preterm display certain physiological symptoms, such as secretion abnormalities, uterine contractions, or fetal heart rate abnormalities, although these sumptons can be easily suppressed in most pregnant women. This study combines Doppler Ultrasound and a newly developed uterine contraction sensing structure, consisting of a set of uterine contraction sensor, fetal heart rate monitoring multi-functional integrated APP. Pregnant women can wear this real-time monitoring device at home for daily use. For marketization and commercialization, this study uses the knowledge, innovation and decision-making theories of innovation diffusion to confirm the four aspects of innovation and diffusion, following innovative business models (Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers ,Dr. Osterwalder, 2012) and (Value Proposition Design (2015)" on stat-up plan and best market efficiency.

Keywords: Innovative Diffusion Theory, Value Proposition, Cloud Care, Innovative Business Model

發布日期: 2019/01/07
發布人員: 薛淑真